Merchants Walk at Port of Falmouth, Jamaica

Merchants Walk at Port of Falmouth, Jamaica

Merchants Walk at Port of Falmouth

Merchants Walk at Port of Falmouth

​Historic Port of Falmouth, Jamaica

As project designer and Owner Representative, IDEA designed a comprehensive Vision Plan for RCCL's Western Caribbean port of call, the historic Port of Falmouth, ensuring a one-of-a-kind guest experience focused on the town's cultural heritage and Jamaica's legendary hospitality. The 35 acre cruise ship, anchored by a 12 acre, two-berth wharf peninsula with Georgian-era inspired terminals, Merchant's Walk retail and office structures, restaurants and residential space. IDEA  also designed onshore facilities, a historic trolley system, and restoration and redevelopment efforts of historic structures and attractions.

Oasis of the Seas at Port of Falmouth

Oasis of the Seas at Port of Falmouth

Oasis class vessel on Falmouth ​western berth

Oasis class vessel on Falmouth ​western berth